Menstruating Sustainably and Affordably: The Period Company

The outrageous expenses and lack of sustainability in one-time-use menstrual products are well known to most menstruating people. The Period Company is working to reduce the lifetime costs of having a period, both monetarily and environmentally, by selling “Period Underwear.” These are reusable underwear that are intended to be worn throughout a period, and are highly absorbent and affordable, making it accessible and environmentally friendly. Compared to the monthly purchases of boxes of pads and tampons that cost between 5-10 U.S. dollars, these will last years for just 12 U.S. dollars. 

The Period Company, alongside other companies and efforts to promote sustainability and confidence on menstruating, is helping work to destigmatize menstruation and reduce its negative environmental impact. Their approach is to use their products as an embrace of the “flow” and beauty of periods by making menstruating an enjoyable experience for every single person who menstruates. In releasing their underwear, they are so many menstruating people to appreciate and value the experience every month, and introducing new helpful variables to ending period poverty and gaining menstrual equity. 

Menstrual cups and reusable pads have been used by the movement to provide menstrual products to all menstrual people, but this innovation is adding another option for menstruating people to not only have access to products, but have dignity and pride in using them.  In the company providing a multiple of styles and options for the different types of underwear, they are ensuring the best experience for all of their customers and people in need of an affordable, sustainable method to menstruating.


Scotland to Eliminate Period Poverty